FIX screen shift & FIX inverted axes on Android Tablet Pc
FIX screen shift & FIX inverted axes on Android Tablet Touch Screen
by toxicro (Global Moderator)
Touch Fixer and axes fixer for Android tablet .
Download : Script.bin
USE: First of all extract the folder script-bin from archive you just downloaded to C:\ Now go to C:\script-bin directory and from there execute the wanted tool.
FIX SCREEN SHIFT - execute screenshift.cmd from C:\script-bin directory and follow the numbers
2. Transform script.bin to script.fex
3. Change lcd parameters to resolve screen shift
4. Transform script.fex to script.bin
5. Push scrip.bin to tablet
6. Reboot tablet
- on step 3 you will see current settings and most of the first 4 choice will fix your display, if not try the rest
FIX INVERTED AXES - execute changexy.cmd from C:\script-bin directory and follow the numbers
1. Pull script.bin from tablet
2. Transform script.bin to script.fex
3. Revert X axe
4. Revert Y axe
5. Revert X_Y axe
6. Transform script.fex to script.bin
7. Push script.bin to tablet
8. Reboot tablet
- on steps 3, 4 and 5 you will see the current settings and you need to choose to reverse
TIPS: - if you want to fix faster just copy your original script.bin to C:\script-bin and by executing one of the program you can find actual settings then after you know your setting just reuse program from first step.
Script Developed By : Sir toxicro
(Global Moderator)
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